What is a Buyer Profile?

We offer 2 types of profiles to Buyers:

“Basic” level: you can do searching products/ service/ supplier on the Nextpro B2B E-commerce platform without including the right to create an online bidding event and you will have limited rights to cancel the Request for Quotation (RFQ). Once Buyer reaches this RFQ cancellation threshold, the system will prevent you from generating new RFQs.

“Professional” level: three additional levels for Buyer profiles: Flyer / Crew / Captain, the higher the level, the higher the number of online bidding events on the Nextpro B2B E-commerce platform.

What is the Supplier Profile Verification Program (SICP)?

We offer three levels of Profile Verification to our suppliers:

Bronze: Base level of Buyer confidence, legal status and bank account information will be checked by our independent 3rd party.

Silver: an added level of enhancement that includes checking certifications and checking corporate sanction status, to give Buyer more confidence.

Gold: in addition to the points checked above, the level of supplier capacity testing will be higher, which is a sanction check and financial risk assessment.

NextPro creates another level of trust for Suppliers when displaying their viewer information on NextPro B2B E-commerce platform.

How many types of online bidding are offered by NextPro?

We introduce 6 types of tenders, including:

  1. English Reverse (Price)
  2. Sealed Bid
  3. Dynamic Reverse (Ranking)
  4. Traffic Light
  5. Japanese Reverse
  6. Dutch Forward

What is the meaning of each type of online bidding?

1. Traffic Light type:

Buyer will see a color status in blue, yellow, red of each supplier after supplier submitting their bid. Traffic Light colors are based on price ranges previously defined by Buyer that are not known to suppliers (except for the starting price) and Suppliers must bid less than the previous bid to enter the color zone safely.

2. English Reverse type (auction):

Supplier’s bid and current best bid will be shown after suppliers submitted their initial bid for that bid. The initial bid may match the starting price offered in the event, or it may be lower than that. Supplier must bid less than their current bid if supplier want to submit more.

3. Dynamic Reverse type (ranking auction):

Supplier’s current bid and rank will be displayed after supplier have submitted their initial bid. The initial bid may match the starting price offered in the event, or it may be lower than that. Supplier must bid less than the final bid if supplier want to submit more.

4. Japanese Reverse type:

The current price displayed must be confirmed to qualify for the next price. The auction will end with a pre-determined final price or if only 1 supplier remains.

5. Dutch Forward type:

The auction will end with the confirmation of the price shown by the first supplier to confirm this price.

6. Sealed bid type:

Only the best suppliers will be determined by Buyer who will be eligible to participate in sealed bid round. Buyer is requesting each Supplier selected to participate in sealed bid to place the final 1 (one) bid in the Sealed Bid round. All competitor information will be turned off and visible to Buyers only. If no bids are submitted in the sealed bid round, the lowest bid from previous round will be considered by Buyer.

How to register an account on Nextpro B2B E-commerce platform?

To create an account on the NextPro B2B E-commerce platform, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the item Login, select the Register tab, select Become a buyer as shown below:

Step 2: Fill in the required information, select the general terms and conditions, then select the Submit button.

Step 3: After registering an account, the system will send an email to the registered account informing you of the account number and password.

Good luck!

What should I do if I forget my password?

If you forgot your password, you can recover it by following these steps:

Step 1: Click “Forgot Password” on the Login page:

Step 2: Fill in the Account Number and Email Address that you have registered, then click Submit.

Step 3: The system will send you an email to Reset your password. Select the “Reset your password” button and reset the password.

Good luck!

Why didn't I receive the activation email?

If you do not receive the activation email, please check the following cases:

  1. Search for the keyword ‘NextPro’ in both your inbox and trash;
  2. Check with your email service operator whether they block verification code emails or filter emails as spam;
  3. Your email code may take up to 10 minutes to arrive (depending on your email service operator). Do not click continuously;
  4. Unusual networks may cause email loss. Please resubmit the request, use other browsers, clear cookies and try again later;

If you’re still having issues, you can try changing your email address or contact NextPro’s Client Success Department for help.

Phone: +84 903.799.826

Email: supportcenter@nextpro.io

My account is disabled!

If your account is disabled, please contact NextPro’s Client Success Department for assistance.

Phone: +84 903.799.826

Email: supportcenter@nextpro.io

How to change the verification email?

Currently, you are not allowed to manually change the verification email associated with your account on NextPro B2B E-commerce platform. To change the verification email, please contact NextPro’s Client Success Department for assistance.

Phone: +84 903.799.826

Email: supportcenter@nextpro.io

How to upgrade a Buyer account.

When Buyers need to upgrade their account, please click on the link below and follow the video tutorial.

How to create a sub account.

When Buyers have a need to Create a sub-account, click on the Link below and follow the video tutorial.

Online bidding experience is limited, what kind of bidding should I start with for my various projects?

We provide an overview of online bidding results (average savings results and bid type) similar to your project portfolio for your reference.

How can NextPro help me find the most suitable Provider?

NextPro uses the information in the Supplier profile in accordance with their focus product/service category and the minimum order value that the Supplier has established in its profile.

We recommend the most suitable Providers, guaranteed or currently enrolled in our sponsorship or premium services.

How does NextPro's SICP Verification Program impact my purchase decision?

When searching for a Supplier, use our SICP information to supplement Buyer research and to see if a Supplier on the NextPro B2B E-commerce platform is registered, active and trustworthy.

Please note, as a Buyer, we recommend that you use your research and analysis when making a buying decision. We do not endorse any Vendors including verified Providers on our platform.

What resources does NextPro use to find relevant business information?

Data is collected from different sources based on the location of each of the Providers mentioned.

Is the SICP level the same as the Sponsorship level?

The SICP level is independent of the Sponsorship level.

For example, the Sponsor of Sponsorship package does not guarantee Bronze, Silver or Gold status of SICP.

At what rate should I start doing online bidding?

It depends on your decision, if you want to get a higher rate of competition, or in new markets to enter, or in a country with a high level of risk… then you should create valuable online bidding. Values start from 25,000 EUR and up.

Can a buyer get a copy of the documentation for an online bidding before doing it in person?

NextPro has built a set of video tutorials on how to use NextPro B2B E-commerce platform at www.nextpro.io that requires you to have a NextPro account to log in and see the “User Guide” section.

If a Supplier is proposed by a Buyer to bid on NextPro and they do not agree to the terms and service fees offered to them by NextPro, what is the solution?

When the Buyer wishes to organize a tender together with the proposed Suppliers from the Buyer, however, the Supplier fails to reach the necessary agreements required by NextPro such as:

• Disagree or late payment of NextPro’s service fees

• Do not agree to sign part or all of the contract

• Other reasons for not accepting signing and participating in bidding on NextPro B2B E-commerce platform

In the above cases, NextPro system will not invite the respective Supplier to participate in the bidding. Then the Buyer to give the necessary solutions:

• If there are still more than 2 (two) Suppliers agreeing to sign and pay the fee, the bidding session will still take place as usual.

• If only 1 (one) Supplier agrees to sign and pay the fee, the bidding session will have to be changed or forced to cancel at the Buyer’s discretion. This bid cancellation occurred prior to the bidding session, so no sanctions will be applied.

Do I have to pay a service fee when I organize an online bidding?

There is no cost involved, but it is recommended that you upgrade your profile from “Basic” to a higher level “Professional” such as “Flyer / Crew / Captain”, from which you can initiate Online bidding events on NextPro B2B E-commerce platform and costs will vary at different levels with certain rights.

Can I refer new Vendors (who are not registered on the NextPro platform) to my bidding event?

In case the Buyer introduces the Supplier to participate in the bidding on the NextPro B2B E-commerce platform, NextPro will allow the account registration for the Supplier for the purpose of organizing the Buyer’s bidding. To create an account for the Supplier, the Supplier enters the NextPro B2B E-commerce platform at the website www.nextpro.io, selects “Become a supplier” and fills in all required information, the Supplier At the same time, the following documents must be attached:

• NextPro Template Supplier Registration Form

• Valid business license

• Proof of bank account

• Tax return form

How long will it take for me to make a decision on supplier selection after the bidding is over?

Within 30 days from the end of the bidding session, the Buyer must confirm the selection of the bid on the NextPro B2B E-commerce platform. From the 31st to the 37th day, NextPro will send 03 (three) reminders for the bid selection announcement from the Buyer, after the 37th day if NextPro still has not received the bidding announcement, NextPro will understand that the Buyer has canceled the bidding result.

I want to cancel the bidding results, will I be charged any fee?

In case you want to cancel the bidding for any reason, NextPro will stop providing services to your account. At the same time, the Buyer will bear a penalty fee equal to the amount of the previous deposit that the Supplier has deposited with NextPro (referred to as a) before the bidding session plus the interest rate of 1 month’s deposit (applicable to Enterprises) of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (VIETCOMBANK) in Ho Chi Minh City from the time of arising the Supplier’s deposit payment transaction to the time of the Buyer’s request for cancellation. This interest (referred to as b) is calculated on the basis of the deposit a. In case of multiple participating Providers, the highest deposit will be charged.

Will I receive a report on the results after the auction is over?

After the bidding session ends, the System will automatically send the report of the bidding session to the Buyer.

Which entity is the appraisal of Supplier dossiers performed?

The appraisal of the Supplier profile on the B2B NextPro E-commerce platform is done by two units, VIVA Business Consulting and Crowe Vietnam.

VIVA Business Consulting:

VIVA Business Consulting is a business consulting company providing extensive specialized services in Vietnam on business compliance management, in almost all fields of industry.

Operating throughout a single field, and depends on the professional capacity experienced and integrated continuously since the early 2000s, in addition to regulatory business compliance service packages, VIVA has a special ability in appraising and identifying the legal status – risk – business credit of an enterprise in all aspects and the level of self-improvement or meeting evaluation criteria from customers before establishing commercial relations, selecting suppliers (Vendor code).

VIVA’s credit appraisal services for suppliers and customers are in accordance with the practices and criteria of European and Japanese enterprises, including basic aspects: Legal Due Diligence; Tax Due diligence, Commercial Due Diligence; Financial Due Diligence; Appraisal of information technology systems – IT Due Diligence; Intellectual Property Due Diligence.

VIVA has been selected, trusted and accompanied by thousands of domestic customers and reputable companies from Japan, the United States, Europe, Singapore, India, China, Korea … is a partner of domestic and foreign banks, business associations.

– Crowe Vietnam:

Crowe Vietnam, founded in 2008, is a full member of Crowe Global, ranked in the top 10 globally and in the Asia Pacific region (Source: IAB World Survey 2021).

Crowe is one of the leading mid-tier firms in Vietnam, providing a wide range of professional services (including Audit, Accounting, Tax, and Advisory) for all business phases such as Market Entry, Establishment, Operation, Expansion, M&A, and Exit.

Crowe is honored to have provided services to more than 800 clients in Vietnam, including FDI clients (Ex: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, EU, USA, Thailand, Malaysia, and Hong Kong…) and local clients, with diversified industries and sizes.

Crowe Vietnam is committed to high-level service standards. We ensure this commitment by striving to implement an effective quality control system, including strict recruitment, intensive internal training, continuously – enhanced service processes, stringent quality monitoring, unbreakable compliance with professional ethics and confidentiality, frequent quality assessment, and adequate overall supervision.